1. 被迫营业- 电影- 豆瓣
影片讲述了刚刚失去工作的外卖小哥方圆,被醉酒的网红老板路有财误认为是代驾,阴差阳错地把豪开到了陌生小销,被迫开启的一段啼笑皆非的“养途。手机丢失、...展开 ...
2. 被迫营业 (2024) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
We don't have enough data to suggest any movies based on 被迫营业. You can help by rating movies you've seen.
3. When You're Working Against Your Own Will, You're 被迫营业 (Bèi pò ...
Duration: 1:15Posted: Aug 31, 2021
When you start to work or share your life with the world, you may or may not want to, you're 营业 in Chinese slang. The term originally means 'doing business' but now Chinese people are using it in a self-deprecating way.
4. 电影《被迫营业》调至国庆档主题曲MV首发导演李心请大家慢 ... - 搜狐
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电影《被迫营业》将于2024年10月2号下午四点登录网站首发,定档海报和主题歌MV也在今天首发。 导演李心表示《被迫营业》虽然是一部东北喜剧,但也请大家慢下来、沉下心来体会剧中小人物的苦辣酸甜,和面对囧途迎…
5. 大娘子被迫营业学撒娇,吓得红狼饭都不敢吃了(2024) - iQIYI
Watch the latest 大娘子被迫营业学撒娇,吓得红狼饭都不敢吃了online with English subtitle for free on iQIYI | iQ.com.
6. 大笑喜剧人(2024) - 电影 - 豆瓣
大笑喜剧人简介:青年导演韩小山花费五年时间创作剧本立志拍摄成电影,几经周折后找到了土豪范不着投资拍摄,在拍摄过程中韩小山的同学大栓一直暗中捣鬼,想要接替韩小山拍 ...
7. Watch the latest 鼠鼠我又被迫营业了(2024) online with English ...
Watch the latest 鼠鼠我又被迫营业了online with English subtitle for free on iQIYI | iQ.com.
鼠鼠我又被迫营业了Join me to watch <鼠鼠我又被迫营业了 (2024) > on iQIYI!
8. When You're Working Against Your Own Will, You're 被迫营业 (Bèi pò ...
Duration: 1:15Posted: Aug 31, 2021
When you start to work or share your life with the world, you may or may not want to, you’re 营业 in Chinese slang. The term originally means ‘doing business’ but now Chinese people are using it in a self-deprecating way.