VS M08 - VELUX Manual Venting Skylight - 30 1/16" x 54 7/16" (2024)


VS M08 - VELUX Manual Venting Deck Mount Skylight

Shipping Included!

Rough opening measures 30 1/16" x 54 7/16".

Designed for deck mounted installations, the VS manual venting skylight enables any home to embrace the best of what nature has to offer. Opening for maximum fresh air, the venting skylight contributes to a home's proper moisture balance and comfort level by allowing stale, humid air to be released.

The VS package includes the operator hook and insect screen. Operating controls are sold as an additional option, but are required to open and close the skylight.

Installation slope

The VS skylight installs on roofs with slopes between 14° (3:12) and 85° (137:12).


Availability: In stock


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i++) { if (lis[i].style.display=='block') { hideDivFlag = false; break; } } } } if (hideDivFlag) this.upDiv(dElement).style.display = 'none'; } // require if (this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId][dElementId]['is_require']) { if (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') { $(dElement).removeClassName('validate-one-required-by-name'); } else { $(dElement).removeClassName('required-entry'); } $(dElement).addClassName('required-dependent'); } optionImages.showImage(dElement); } } // return dependent->dependent etc.. if (disableElFlag && (dElement.type=='checkbox' || dElement.type=='radio') && dElement.checked) { dElement.checked = false; if (dElement.type=='checkbox') optionSetQtyProduct.checkboxQty(dElement); dependentOptions.returnSelect(dElement); } else if ((dElement.type=='select-one' || dElement.type=='select-multiple') && !$(dElement).hasClassName('datetime-picker')) { dependentOptions.select(dElement); // that's right! } else if (disableElFlag && (dElement.type=='text' || dElement.type=='textarea' || dElement.type=='file')) { if (this.defaultData[dElementId]) dElement.value = this.defaultData[dElementId]; else dElement.value = ''; } } delete this.dependentChanges['m'][mElementId]; } }, rememberNewSelected: function(dElement, dElementId) { // remember new selected if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId] && this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']) { var opSelected = false; for (i=0; i < dElement.options.length; i++) { if (this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']['s'+dElement.options[i].value]) { if (dElement.options[i].selected && dElement.options[i].value>0) opSelected = true; else opSelected = false; this.dependentChanges['d'][dElementId]['options']['s'+dElement.options[i].value]['selected'] = opSelected; } } } }, // for ie to work upDiv: function(el) { if (el.type=='checkbox' || el.type=='radio') { var div = el.up(4); if (!$(div).hasClassName('option')) div = div.up(1); return div; } else { return el.up('div.option'); } }, decorateIsLast: function() { var divs = $$('div.option'); if (divs) { var dl = false; var dd = false; divs.each(function(div, index){ if (div.style.display!='none' && !$(div).hasClassName('hidden')) { dl = div.down('dl'); 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optionQty.value = minQty; }, changeSelectQty: function(el) { if (!el) { return false; } var optionId = this._getOptionId(el); var valueIds = this._getValueIds(el); var optionQty = $('options_'+optionId+'_qty'); if (!optionQty) { return; } for (i=0; i < valueIds.length; i++) { var valueId = valueIds[i]; var minQty = 1; if (opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty) { minQty = opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty; } optionQty.value = minQty; } $(optionQty).addClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); }, changeMultiSelectQty: function(optionId, valueId, selected) { var optionQty = $('options_'+ optionId +'_'+ valueId +'_qty'); if (!optionQty) { return; } optionQty.disabled = !selected; if (selected) { var minQty = 1; if (opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty) { minQty = opConfig.config[optionId][valueId].min_qty; } if (optionQty.value<=0) { optionQty.value = minQty; } $(optionQty).addClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); } else { $(optionQty).removeClassName('validate-greater-than-zero'); 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    Choose the glass based on location or energy efficiency

    Choose a flashing to match your roof type

    Chose a blind to control the light from your skylight!
    *No Returns on Factory Installed Blinds

    Choose the control to open and close your manual venting skylight.

    * Required Fields

    '); // Initialize plus/minus buttons $('.qty-button').on('click', function() { var $button = $(this); var $input = $button.parent().parent().find('input'); var oldValue = $input.val(); var newVal = 0; if (isNaN(oldValue)) { $input.css('color', 'red'); } else { if ($button.hasClass('increase')) { newVal = qtyAdd(parseFloat(oldValue), 1, 4); $input.css('color', ''); } else { var candidateNewValue = qtySubtract(parseFloat(oldValue), 1, 4); if (oldValue > 0 && candidateNewValue > 0) { newVal = candidateNewValue; } else { newVal = 0; $input.css('color', 'red'); } }//ZDevWeb - add .change() to automatically update price $input.val(newVal).change(); } }); }); //]]>

    VS M08 - VELUX Manual Venting Skylight - 30 1/16" x 54 7/16" (2024)


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    Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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    Views: 6013

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    Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

    Birthday: 1996-05-10

    Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

    Phone: +96313309894162

    Job: Legacy Sales Designer

    Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

    Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.